Elijah Mutemeri, Head of Department
This department coordinates informal economy associations in the country. The department also helps to put in place policies addressing the rights of self-employed workers and precarious wage earners in microenterprises, to ensure:
- Assurance of freedom of association as often these workers are not allowed to organise under local or national legislation
- Assurance of collective bargaining in any form
- Advice on expanding the scope of the enforcement of labour laws to excluded categories of workers and /or modification of labour legislation to cover these workers
- Assurance of inclusion of their organisation in social dialogue institutions and in policy making.
- Regulation of employment modalities that segment equal treatment and outsourcing
- Implementing Recommendation 204
- Establishment of minimum wage that can be demanded
The department also work hand in hand with International Labour Organisation (ILO) Government,and the Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe (EMCOZ) in implementing national projects for youth and women around the country. Propose to the leadership strategies of employment creationand decent work.