Mr. Michael Kandukutu, Head of the Organising Department
The department is one of the eleven (11) departments that form the operational structure of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. It is composed of the National Organiser and the department links with regional offices of the Congress. The department also works directly with affiliate trade union organisers.
To promote awareness of labour and civic issues and to mobilize support for ZCTU positions on related issues. Membership recruitment and retention. The department also coordinates young workers activities as well labour migration on behalf of the ZCTU.
- To build viable, strong and bigger industrial unions all united under one national centre.
- To achieve 100% unionization in all sectors that employ labour.
- To unite unions through mergers, amalgamations and federations.
- To co-ordinate and enhance trade union activities in Zimbabwe, towards greater “organic and mechanical” solidarity for the working class.
- To promote “constitutional discipline” among affiliates and general membership.
- To consult with union leadership, affiliate officials and secretariat departments and establish labour and civic issues that bear on the welfare of the worker.
- To address worker population on political, social and economic issues.
- To consult with union leadership, affiliate officials secretariat, ZCTU structures and departments to establish requirements for national events.
- To advise leadership on worker issues that require action.
- To translate leadership and congress resolutions into action (plans).
- To prepare project proposals and budgets for departmental organising activities.
The department seeks to achieve the following outcomes:
- An increase in membership participation in ZCTU activities by 50% through intensified mobilization.
- Improved trade union and worker rights awareness.
- Stronger and viable unions through membership recruitment,
- 100 trained union organisers each year.
- Functional and effective ZCTU structures.
- Merged unions
- Increased union membership by 35% through union specific targeted recruitment.