Parliamentary Affairs & Advocacy Department

Vimbai Zinyama, Head of  Parliamentary Affairs  & Advocacy Department

ZCTU Parliamentary Affairs  & Advocacy Department 

  • To organise , develop and maintain a powerful , effective, democratic and independent trade union movement in Zimbabwe
  • To promote , safeguard and win trade union rights and privileges to generally strive for the improvement of working conditions and employment benefits for all workers in Zimbabwe  and to secure full recognition and advancement of their rights , interests  and dignity of labour
  • To protect and advance full social and economic rights and development of all workers in Zimbabwe within and beyond the trade unions, particularly those of vulnerable groups such as women and children.
  • To protect and defend workers against all forms of discrimination, exploitation and abuse
  • To advance education, political and economic knowledge within trade unions in order to build their capacities to effectively defend their interest.
  • To develop and maintain a National Labour Information Centre to assist trade unions  and workers on all matters of trade union organisation, administration, employment, legislation and other relevant matters
  • To act as the public relations unit which is a channel for communication for the labour movement and cooperate wherever possible with government, development partners, churches,  cooperatives, progressive organisations and employers organisations on matters of mutual concern and interest.   

Areas of focus  ( Drawn from the ZCTU Strategy Document and projects being implemented 2017-2021)

  • Technical Support services for the ZCTU Political Committee.
  • Responsible for the Trade Union and Human Rights Programme (APHEDA)
  • Labour Specialist on the Non State Actors Alliance (EU) Civic Society Policy Dialogue development project
  • Capacity development and facilitation of parliament engagement & policy dialogue platforms
  • Facilitating  a baseline study on capacity gaps in the Trade Unions to undertake effective policy dialogue and engagement
  • Governance and Democracy
  • Elections and electoral environment
  • Transitional justice issues
  • Institutional Corporate Governance
  • Zimbabwe Decent Work Country Programme
  • Justice and national stability issues
  • Mainstreaming equality issues
  • Organisational Corporate identity and ideology issues
  • Trade Union political stability
  • Decent work agenda


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