28 February 2023
For immediate release
The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) notes with concern, the corruption allegations relating to the purchase of a Borrowdale house being levelled against the Minister of Labour Paul Mavima and urges him to come clean.
Mavima is accused of arm-twisting the National Social Security Authority to buy a Borrowdale house valued at USD$350 000 for himself while promising to pay back later after receiving his USD$500 000 housing allowance awarded to cabinet ministers. Upon purchase, it is said the house was sold to Mavima before the property could be entered into the NSSA books.
We note that funds used to purchase the said property are pensioners’ contributions and investments. It is therefore prudent for the minister, as the custodian of those funds to come clean on the matter.
We are deeply worried with the trends and instances of corruption at NSSA which remain unplugged. The recent allegations fingering the Minister are more worrisome as they involve the gatekeepers tasked with good corporate governance at the entity. It is also bothersome that before any decisive action is taken on the findings of the NSSA forensic audit, multifaceted malpractices involving senior management continue to emerge and this time the minister is implicated in the same corrupt shenanigans. Individuals and entities that wield authority in the public and private sector continue to bleed NSSA through arm-twisting due diligence processes in the awarding of tenders; non-performance of due diligence on prospective contractors and non-evaluation of investment proposals with impunity.
Minister Mavima, in the interest of restoring public confidence in himself and the NSSA brand must publicly respond to the allegations and recuse himself from NSSA issues while investigations are underway.
The ZCTU will not slumber while pensioners’ contributions and investments are plundered by a few individuals while beneficiaries languish in poverty. NSSA pension pay-outs and benefits remain pathetic because of corrupt individuals who manipulate systems and processes at the social security entity despite concerted efforts by labour to improve the benefits.
We shall without fear or favour continue to raise alarm over corruption at NSSA as well as demand accountability and appropriate punitive action for the corrupt.