Press Statements

10 Oct 2017

CABINET REThe cabinet reshuffle announced by President Robert Mugabe on Monday shows that Zimbabwe is heading for disaster both in terms of the economy and democracy ahead of the 2018 elections

Besides being bloated and duplication of Ministries, it is expecting too much from Ministers like Ignatius Chombo, (Minister of Finance and Economic Development) and Simbarashe Mumbengengwi, (Minister of Micro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion) to revive the economy as they have no clue on what to do. In any case, these two ministries should have been combined into one.

10 Oct 2017

The cabinet reshuffle announced by President Robert Mugabe on Monday shows that Zimbabwe is heading for disaster both in terms of the economy and democracy ahead of the 2018 elections

Besides being bloated and duplication of Ministries, it is expecting too much from Ministers like Ignatius Chombo, (Minister of Finance and Economic Development) and Simbarashe Mumbengengwi, (Minister of Micro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion) to revive the economy as they have no clue on what to do. In any case, these two ministries should have been combined into one.

9 Oct 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is surprised by the directive from President Robert Mugabe to forcibly remove Harare’s street traders and vendors yet it is his party that not only made sure that the economy collapsed throwing thousands of people into the streets, but also encouraged people to go into vending as a vote buying gimmick.

4 Oct 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) notes with growing concern a rise in cases of harassment and threats to journalists by both state security and top government and ruling party officials.

The ZCTU is disturbed with the utterances by the ZANU-PF secretary for Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya-Moyo, who “warned” the private media to desist from attacking the party and its leadership, saying those misinforming the public by writing falsehoods will be punished.

4 Oct 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) notes with growing concern a rise in cases of harassment and threats to journalists by both state security and top government and ruling party officials.

The ZCTU is disturbed with the utterances by the ZANU-PF secretary for Information and Publicity, Simon Khaya-Moyo, who “warned” the private media to desist from attacking the party and its leadership, saying those misinforming the public by writing falsehoods will be punished. 

3 Oct 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is concerned with reports that close to 19 000 pensioners who have failed to register with the NSSA biometric system will not be able to access their pensions as of this month, condemning the already poverty-stricken elderly to destitution.

3 Oct 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is concerned with reports that close to 19 000 pensioners who have failed to register with the NSSA biometric system will not be able to access their pensions as of this month, condemning the already poverty-stricken elderly to destitution.

9 Sep 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is concerned with reports that close to 19 000 pensioners who have failed to register with the NSSA biometric system will not be able to access their pensions as of this month, condemning the already poverty-stricken elderly to destitution.

1 Sep 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is disturbed by pronouncements by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education concerning parents or guardians borrowing loans based on their income on behalf of students  in an economy where the majority are unemployed and do not have proof of income.

10 Aug 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is deeply concerned with the resurgence in intra-party violence in the opposition political party MDC-T.

In the latest development, the MDC-T Vice-President Thokozani Khupe, Chairperson Lovemore Moyo and Organising secretary, Abedinico Bhebhe were beaten up allegedly by party fanatics for organizing a meeting to discuss the coalition arrangement being led by the party President Morgan Tsvangirai. The trio is alleged to be against an alliance with other political parties.

10 Aug 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is deeply concerned with the resurgence in intra-party violence in the opposition political party MDC-T.

In the latest development, the MDC-T Vice-President Thokozani Khupe, Chairperson Lovemore Moyo and Organising secretary, Abedinico Bhebhe were beaten up allegedly by party fanatics for organizing a meeting to discuss the coalition arrangement being led by the party President Morgan Tsvangirai. The trio is alleged to be against an alliance with other political parties.

8 Aug 2017

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) joins the rest of the country in marking the National Heroes and National Defence Forces Day. We take cognisance of the significant role our freedom fighters played to liberate the country from the evil minority rule. We also cherish the role played by the gallant defence forces in protecting our independence.



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